Resep dan Menu Makanan Bagi Penderita Diabetes Terbaru...!

Anda sedang mencari resep masakan diabetes? Berikut ini diet menu makanan untuk penderita diabetes atau kencing manis lengkap dengan kandungan nutrisi dan kalorinya.

Diabetes adalah penyakit menurunnya produktivitas hormon insulin yang diproduksi pankreas sehingga membuat pengidap diabetes memiliki kadar gula darah yang lebih tinggi dari normal. Meskipun penyakit ini tidak dapat sembuh, penderita diabetes sebenarnya tetap dapat menikmati hidup sehari-hari secara normal. Termasuk pula dalam mengonsumsi berbagai jenis makanan, kendati menu makanan diabetes memang harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kalori yang diasupnya.

Resep masakan dibawah ini dapat dikombinasikan sebagai menu harian penderita diabetes. Jangan dilupakan bahwa resep masakan diabetes ini dapat disesuaikan sehingga total asupan harian dapat sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

Konversi Ukuran :

~ 1 cup = 240 ml cairan, 140 gr tepung, 150 gr bijian/beras, 190 gr gula pasir, 200 gr mentega, 16 sdm
~ 1 sdt = 5 ml, 1sdm = 15 ml, 2 sdm = 30 ml, 1 pint = 2 cup, 1 quart = 4 cup= 0,96 lt, 1 ounce/oz = 30 gr
16 ounce/oz = 1 pound = 480 gr
~  0 derajat C = 32 derajat F Suhu Beku
~ 20 derajat C = 68 derajat F Suhu Ruang
~ 100 derajat C = 212 derajat F Suhu Didih
~ 160 derajat C = 325 derajat F
~ 180 derajat C = 350 derajat F
~ 190 derajat C = 375 derajat F
~ 200 derajat C = 400 derajat F
~ 220 derajat C = 425 derajat F
~ 230 derajat C = 450 derajat F

Resep Masakan Fritata Sayuran dan Keju

Bahan :

~ 8 butir telur atau 2 cup telur bebas lemak dan bebas kolesterol
~ ½ sdt garam
~ 1/8 sdt lada bubuk
~ ½ cup keju parut (swiss atau cheddar)
~ 2 sdm minyak sayur atau mentega
~ 2 cup cincangan paprika merah/hijau/kuning
~ ½ cup cincangan bawang bombay

Cara Membuat:

~ Kocok telur, garam dan lada sampai tercampur rata, tambahkan keju, sisihkan
~ Panaskan fry-pan, tumis paprika dan bawang Bombay sampai bawang Bombay layu
~ Siram dengan kocokan telur, masak dengan panas kecil-sedang selama 8-10 menit hingga telur mengeras dan bawahnya kecoklatan
~ Panaskan oven untuk broil (500 derajat F) masukkan telur dengan fry-pannya broil selama 2 menit hingga permukaan telur coklat keemasan
~ Potong seperti potongan Pizza

Kandungan Nutrisi:

~ 190 kalori, serat 1 gr, sodium 330mg, lemak 14 gr, (lemak jenuh 4 gr), protein 12 gr, kolesterol 300 mg, karbohidrat 5 gr ~

Demikian Resep dan Menu Makanan Bagi Penderita Diabetes Semoga Bermanfaat.....

Resep Sambal Terasi Terbaik Dan Terbaru...!

Resep Sambal Terasi Terbaik Dan Terbaru...!

Bukan orang Indonesia jika tidak mengenal sambal terasi. Ya, sambal memang sudah menjadi tradisi pelengkap menu kuliner Indonesia. Bahkan makan terasa kurang lengkap dan sempurna jika tidak ada sambalnya. Ada banyak sekali varian dan kreasi sambal dalam khasanah kuliner Indonesia, diantaranya sambal terasi. Proses pembuatannya cukup mudah, yang membedakan dengan sambal lainnya yaitu penggunaan terasinya. Berikut ini resep sambal terasi enak dan lezat yang bisa anda coba dirumah.

Bahan Sambal Terasi:

~ 20 buah cabai merah, dibuang bijinya
~ 1 sdm terasi bakar/ goreng
~ 2 buah jeruk limau, diambil airnya
~ 1 buah tomat besar
~ Garam, gula pasir secukupnya
~ Minyak goreng secukupnya

Cara Membuat Sambal Terasi:

~ Campurkan semua bahan di atas dan haluskan.
~ Siap disajikan.

 Demikian Semoga Bermanfaat...Untuk Pecinta Masakan Nusantara.


Kode GTA Vice City (Lengkap Versi Indonesia Terbaru)

Nah sekarang saya akan memberikan kode gta vice city lengkap lohh…untuk memasukan kode-kode berikut saat kamu memulai game oke langsung ajah kode-kodenya:

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Train Romero'S

 More Weapons

 Slow Motion


 Instant Body / Armor At a certain

 Gravity Low
 RIGHT, R2, O, R1, L2, DOWN, L1, R1.


Very Cloudy weather
 R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, SQUARE

 Want to Increase Rankings


 Boxing Games For The Love # 2
 R1, L2, R2, L1, RIGHT, R2, LEFT, X, square, L1

Games As Phil Cassady
RIGHT, R1, UP, R2, L1, RIGHT, R1, L1, RIGHT, O

 Fine weather
 R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, DOWN

 Gets / Kan A Train corpse Romero'S

 Foggy weather
 R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X

 Cars get Trashmaster
 O, R1, O, R1, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, O, RIGHT

Games For Mercedes
 R2, L1, UP, L1, RIGHT, R1, RIGHT, UP, O, triangle

Pink Car
 O, L1, DOWN, L2, LEFT, X, R1, L1, RIGHT, X

 The car blew up
 R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, SQUARE, triangle, O, triangle, L2, L1

Getting the Love Boxing
 R2, UP, L2, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, O, RIGHT

 Games As Hilary King
 R1, O, R2, L1, RIGHT, R1, L1, X, R2

 Getting A Bloodring Racer
 DOWN, R1, O, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, LEFT, LEFT

 Cloudy weather
 R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, triangle

 Cars get Hotring Racer # 2
 R2, L1, O, RIGHT, L1, R1, RIGHT, UP, O, R2

 Time slows
 In terms of the THREE, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, SQUARE, R2, R1

As the game Nougat Suxxx
 O, R2, DOWN, R1, LEFT, RIGHT, R1, L1, X, L2

Cars get Hotring Racer # 1
 R1, O, R2, RIGHT, L1, L2, X, X, triangle, R1

RIGHT, L2, DOWN, R1, LEFT, LEFT, R1, L1, L2, L1

 Games As Ken Rosenberg
 RIGHT, L1, UP, L2, L1, RIGHT, R1, L1, X, R1

Changes Clothes

So poor pedestrian
DOWN, UP, UP, UP, X, R2, R1, L2, L2.

 Lowering Levels of Desired

 Gets / Kan A golfer Waiter
O, L1, UP, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, O, X

 Gets / Kan A Turbo Sword
RIGHT, L2, DOWN, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, O, LEFT

Interesting Followers
O, X, L1, L1, R2, X, X, O, triangle.

 Steering Aggressive
 R2, O, R1, L2, LEFT, R1, L1, R2, L2

 Car Black
 O, L2, UP, R1, LEFT, X, R1, L1, LEFT, O

Slow Motion
 In terms of the THREE, UP, RIGHT], DOWN, SQUARE, R2, R1
 Games As Lance Vance
 CIRCLE, L2, LEFT, X, R1, L1, X, L1

 Accelerate Time
O, O, L1, SQUARE, L1, SQUARE, SQUARE, SQUARE, L1, triangle, O, triangle

 Boxing Games For The Love # 1
 DOWN, L1, DOWN, L2, LEFT, X, R1, L1, X, X

 All Weapons # 3

 All Weapons # 2

 Games As Ricardo Diaz
 L1, L2, R1, R2, DOWN, L1, R2, L2

 Gets / Kan A Bloodring Pork sausage / firecracker / mobiltua

The stormy weather
 R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, O

 Games For Buyung Forelli
 O, L1, O, L2, LEFT, X, R1, L1, X, X

Strong Wepons

Ocandy Suxxx
O, R2, DOWN, R1, LEFT, RIGHT, R1, L1, X, L2

 More Weapons

Cars dodo bird
RIGHT, R2, O, R1, L2, DOWN, L1, R1

 Gets / Kan A Rhino
 O, O, L1, O, O, O, L1, L2, R1, triangle, O, triangle

 Code Dodo Bird
RIGHT, R2, O, R1, L2, DOWN, L1, R1

More and less I apologize if there is an error code that I input
Happy Playing!!!

Baca Juga Kode Gta San Andreas (Lengkap) Klik SINI

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Kode Need For Speed Underground 2 (lengkap)

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Cheat Need for Speed Underground 2 

The following codes are entered at the 'Start' screen

Unlock Visual Level 1 :

R1, R1, Up, Down, L1, L1, Up, Down.
Unlock Visual Level 2 :L1, R1, Up, Down, L1, Up, Up, Down.
Unlock Performance Level 1 :L1, R1, L1, R1, Left, Left, Right,Up.
Unlock Performance Level 2 :R1, R1, L1, R1, Left, Right, Up,Down

The following codes are entered at the 'Title' Screen
Unlocks A Hummer H2 Capone :
Up, Left, Up, Up, Down, Left, Down,Left.
All Circuit Tracks :Down, R1, R1, R1, R2, R2, R2,Square.
Burger King vinyl :Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Up, Up, Left.
Unlocks the ShineStreet Lexus IS300
Up, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right,Left.
Unique Vinyl :Down, Up, Down, Left, L1, L1, L1,Down.
Unlocks the Best Buy car Vinyl :Up, Down, Up, Down, Down, Up, Right,Left.
Unlocks Nissan Skyline :
Down, Down, L1, L2, L1, L2, L1,Down.
$200 in career :Up, Up, Up, Left, R1, R1, R1, Down.
$1000 in career. RX-8 and Skyline in
Quick Race:
Left, Left, Right, Square, Square,Right, L1, R1.

Unlock Cars

2003 Acura RSX Type S:(North America only)FWD, 200 hp, 7,400 rpm142 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 3
2004 Audi A3:AWD, 250 hp, 6300 rpm236 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 3
2004 Audi TT Quattro:AWD, 250 hp, 6300 rpm236 lbs. torque
 Unlocked in level 3
2004 Cadillac Escalade:AWD, 145 hp, 5200 rpm380 lbs. torque
 Unlocked in level 2
2003 Ford Focus ZX3:FWD, 130 hp, 5300 rpm135 lbs. torque

Unlocked at start
2005 Ford Mustang GT:RWD, 300 hp, 5800 rpm315 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 4
2000 Honda Civic Coupe Si:(North America only)FWD, 160 hp, 7600 rpm111 lbs. torque

Unlocked at start
2004 Hummer H2:AWD, 325 hp, 3600 rpm385 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 2

2003 Hyundai Tiburon GT:FWD, 181 hp, 6000 rpm177 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 2
2004 Infiniti G35:RWD, 280 hp, 6200 rpm270 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 4
2002 Lexus IS300:RWD, 215 hp, 5800 rpm218 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 3
2004 Lincoln Navigator:RWD, 300 hp, 5000 rpm
355 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 2
1999 Mazda Miata:RWD, 128 hp, 6500 rpm
110 lbs. torque

Unlocked at start
1995 Mazda RX-7:RWD, 255 hp, 6500 rpm
217 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 4
2004 Mazda RX-8:RWD, 238 hp, 8500 rpm
 159 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 4
1999 Mitsubishi 3000GT:AWD, 320 hp, 6000 rpm
315 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 4
1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse:AWD, 210 hp, 6000 rpm
214 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 3
2003 Mitsubishi Lancer:AWD, 271 hp, 6500 rpm
273 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 4
1992 Nissan 240SX:FWD, 155 hp, 5600 rpm
160 lbs. torque

Unlocked in the start
2003 Nissan 350Z:RWD, 287 hp, 6200 rpm274 lbs. torqueunlocked in level 4
2003 Nissan Sentra SER Spec-V:FWD, 175 hp, 6000 rpm180 lbs. torque
Unlocked in level 2
1999 Nissan Skyline R34 GTR:AWD, 276 hp, 6800 rpm216 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 5
2004 Peugeot 106:(Outside North America only)FWD, 120 hp, 5500 rpm107 lbs. torque

Unlocked at start
2003 Peugeot 206:FWD, 138 hp, 6000 rpm143 lbs. torque

Unlocked at start
2004 Pontiac GTO:RWD, 350 hp, 5200 rpm365 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 4
2003 Subaru Impreza WRX STi:AWD, 300 hp, 6000 rpm300 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 5

2003 Toyota Celica GT-S:FWD, 180 hp, 7600 rpm130 lbs. torque

Unlocked level 2

1987 Toyota Corolla GTS (AE86):RWD, 112 hp, 6600 rpm97 lbs. torque
Unlocked at start

1998 Toyota Supra:RWD, 225 hp, 5800 rpm210 lbs. torque

Unlocked in level 3

2004 Vauxhall Corsa:
(Outside North America only)
FWD, 125 hp, 6000 rpm
122 lbs. torque

Unlocked at start

2003 Volkswagen Golf GTI 1.8T:FWD, 180 hp, 5500 rpm173 lbs. torqueUnlocked in level 3

Unique upgrades

Hoods - 4 wins in outrun level 2.
Engine, transmission or tires - 3 wins in outrun level 3.
Rims - 6 wins in outrun level 3.
Spoilers - 4 wins in outrun level 4.
Vinyls - 6 wins in outrun level 4.
ECU, turbo or brakes - 9 wins in outrun level 4.
Wide body kits. - 11 wins in outrun level 5.
NOS, weight or suspension - 6 wins in outrun level 5.

Magazine covers

Auto Motor - 20 wins in level 5.
AutoMaxx - 16 wins in level 4.
Car Audio and Electronics - 6 wins in level 3.
Chrome und Flamen - 27 wins in level 4.
Elaborare - 3 wins in level 4.
GTI - 11 wins in level 3.
GTI - 16 wins in level 5.
Hot 4's - 18 wins in level 3.
Import Tuner - 4 wins in level 5.
Maxi Tuning - 7 wins in level 4.
Power: 32 wins in level 5.
Spoiler - 11 wins in level 4.
Sports Compact Car - 8 wins in level 2.
Street Car - 2 wins in level 3.
Street Car - 9 wins in level 5.
Street Tuner - 34 wins in level 5.
Stuff - 20 wins in level 4.
Super Street - 28 wins in level 5.
Swiss Tuner - 25 wins in level 5.
Turbo - 4 wins in level 2.

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Class A Motor Homes

Are you considering about purchasing Class A motor home? So, if you are thinking, then you may be aware that mechanized RVs are generally classified into three main classes such as A Class, B Class, and C Class in addition to; each Class has various features and unique characteristics. Class A motor homes are the greatest motor homes in the market, and this is at times considered the most lavish also. It also has the largest engine. This can be known as a motor coach. The length of Class A usually can be between 30 and 50 feet.
However, majorities of them are above 40 feet long. For fitting, the proper description of Class A motor, an RV should have some unique features named as living area, a cockpit, a kitchen, a restroom, and a bedroom as well. You might be surprising how all these things fit in one recreational vehicle or RV. However, in fact, most RVs make relatively a good utilization of the space obtainable for them. Along with convertible furniture as well as hideaway beds, you can sleep more than six people in some models of Class A. One more characteristic that includes quite a little of space to various recreational vehicles is slide outs. A few RVs have just one, whilst others have numerous slide outs. It increases the space of living on Class A significantly.
The characteristics in Class A motor are what personalize it. You can create it as fundamental as you select, but you can as well add characteristics like ceramic tile, hot tub, hardwood floors and even a cabinetry. The furnishings of Class A motor can be designer fabrics or simple or even fur. The centers for entertainment basically range from the simple TV and CD player, to a lot of flat screen televisions with a good outdoor sound system and satellite. Safety characteristics can include a back view video camera along with audio capabilities; power mirrors, and audible support warning signal and adjustable seats.
Cost of Class A Motor Homes: The cost of Class A motor range from approximately $50,000 in the models of low end to between $900,200 in the more frequent motor home lines obtainable. Those people having deep pockets and desire the very best Class A motor, can spend more than $900,000 or even more to buy a completely unique as well as custom built coach. Ultimately, Class A motor is perfect for traveling couples, whether these couples are retired or find to be professionals working and living on the road. It is available in every range of price as well as a conceivable floor plan, also there is certain to be a perfect Class A that is right for you.

To know more about class a motor homes and class b motor homes please visit this site and find great information.

Class A Motor Homes

Are you considering about purchasing Class A motor home? So, if you are thinking, then you may be aware that mechanized RVs are generally classified into three main classes such as A Class, B Class, and C Class in addition to; each Class has various features and unique characteristics. Class A motor homes are the greatest motor homes in the market, and this is at times considered the most lavish also. It also has the largest engine. This can be known as a motor coach. The length of Class A usually can be between 30 and 50 feet.
However, majorities of them are above 40 feet long. For fitting, the proper description of Class A motor, an RV should have some unique features named as living area, a cockpit, a kitchen, a restroom, and a bedroom as well. You might be surprising how all these things fit in one recreational vehicle or RV. However, in fact, most RVs make relatively a good utilization of the space obtainable for them. Along with convertible furniture as well as hideaway beds, you can sleep more than six people in some models of Class A. One more characteristic that includes quite a little of space to various recreational vehicles is slide outs. A few RVs have just one, whilst others have numerous slide outs. It increases the space of living on Class A significantly.
The characteristics in Class A motor are what personalize it. You can create it as fundamental as you select, but you can as well add characteristics like ceramic tile, hot tub, hardwood floors and even a cabinetry. The furnishings of Class A motor can be designer fabrics or simple or even fur. The centers for entertainment basically range from the simple TV and CD player, to a lot of flat screen televisions with a good outdoor sound system and satellite. Safety characteristics can include a back view video camera along with audio capabilities; power mirrors, and audible support warning signal and adjustable seats.
Cost of Class A Motor Homes: The cost of Class A motor range from approximately $50,000 in the models of low end to between $900,200 in the more frequent motor home lines obtainable. Those people having deep pockets and desire the very best Class A motor, can spend more than $900,000 or even more to buy a completely unique as well as custom built coach. Ultimately, Class A motor is perfect for traveling couples, whether these couples are retired or find to be professionals working and living on the road. It is available in every range of price as well as a conceivable floor plan, also there is certain to be a perfect Class A that is right for you.

To know more about class a motor homes and class b motor homes please visit this site and find great information.

Resep Pia Goreng Tausa Terbaru....!

Bahan Pia Goreng Tausa :

Tepung terigu protein sedang, 150 gram
Gula tepung, 15 gram
Garam, 1/4 sendok teh
Mentega putih, 40 gram
Air, 75 ml
Minyak, 500 ml, untuk menggoreng

Bahan Kulit Dalam :

Tepung terigu protein sedang, 75 gram
Mentega putih, 50 gram

Bahan Isi :

Kacang hijau kupas, 250 gram
Air, 750 ml
Daun pandan, 1 lembar
Gula pasir, 175 gram
Vanili bubuk, 1/2 sendok teh
Garam, 1/4 sendok teh
Air teh hitam, 2 sendok makan
Pewarna hitam, 1 sendok makan
Minyak goreng, 100 ml

Cara membuat Pia Goreng Tausa :

Isi : Rebus kacang hijau hingga lunak, lalu campur dengan air dan blender hingga halus. Masak kacang hijau dengan gula, daun pandan, vanilli, garam, air teh, pewarna dan minyak. Masak di api kecil sambil diaduk-aduk hingga adonan agak mengering, angkat dan setelah agak dingin pulung bentuk bulat.

Kulit luar : Campur tepung terigu, gula tepung, garam dan mentega putih hingga berbutir. Masukkan air sedikit-sedikit sambil diuleni hingga kalis. Diamkan 30 menit.

Kulit dalam : aduk tepung terigu dan mentega putih hingga rata dan menggumpal. Diamkan 15 menit.
Timbang bahan kulit luar 225 gram, bahan kulit dalam 60 gram.
Giling memanjang kulit luar lalu tekan bahan kulit dalam yang sudah dipipihkan di bagian tengahnya. Lipat hingga adoanan dalam tertutup.
Gling memanjang setebal 1 cm, lipat bagian atas ke arah tengah dan bagian bawah ke arah tengah saling menumpuk. Giling lagi setebal 1 cm, lipat dengan lipatan yang sama 2x lagi.
Giling tipis adonan setebal 1/2 cm. Potong bentuk bulat dengan ring. Masukkan bahan isi. Bentuk bulat, lubangi bagian tengah, kemudian isi dengan tausa. Letakkan dalam saringan. Goreng sambil dicelup-celup dalam minyak yang sudah dipanaskan dalam api sedang hingga matang dan mekar.

Untuk 10 buah Pia Goreng Tausa....!

Cara Mudah Menghilangkan Icon Obeng dan Tang

Menghilangkan Icon Obeng dan Tang / Quick edit Blogger
Icon tersebut di namakan quick edit ala blogger yang berfungsi untuk mempercepat kita mengedit isi dari blog kita,tapi aneh ya? justru kita merasa risih bahkan terganggu dengan ikon tersebut, bahkan kita berusaha menghilangkanya..pusing ya..? Tapi gak apalah yang penting kita senang aja bisa koq menghilangkannya...? Lihat Tampilan Icon Obeng dan Tang dibawah ini Mungkin ini yang anda Maksud.
Begini kira-kira trick nya...

1. Sign in di akun kalian

2. Pilih blog yang akan kalian terapkan trik ini

3. Pilih menu >> Template (tampilan blogger diperbaharui) lalu  >>Edit HTML;

4. Beri tanda centang pada tulisan  >>Expand Template Widget;

5. Carilah kode yang kurang lebih seperti berikut ini ( gunakan ctrl+F untuk mempermudah pencarian):


6.      Copy paste kode ini, letakkan persis di atasnya

7. Klik tombol Simpan template.
8. Selesai.

Coba di Lihat apa obeng dan tang dah ilang..?

Semoga saja trick menghilangkan ikon obeng dan tang ini bermanfaat.....D.

Bring The Fresh Reviewd - The Fast Start Guide:

Search engine tactics inside bring the fresh.

The bring the fresh fast start guide is the next piece of training that I dug into. It's basically a system for setting up wordpress blogs. "Setting up WordPress blogs I've got 100 times" I was thought, are you thinking that too?
But believe me, there are some pretty nifty tricks that Mike and Kelly show you in the fast start guide, so I decided to try them out on a new wordpress set up. The results may shock you, they certainly shocked me!
Before I set off to buy my domain I thought it best I watched the 2 video's totalling 1hr and 23 minute on market research, just to make sure I selected the right keywords and phrases to use. The videos are on how Mike and Kelly recommend bring the fresh members use market samurai, amongst other things.
So an hour and a half later I'm was ready to put the fast start guide into action. First off, my new domain name. I have been a fan because you can buy them for only a couple of dollars, but they recommend in the fast start guide are best to use for top google rankings so I decided to get one of those 3 domain extensions. Using the bring the fresh techniques are set up a new wordpress blog with the domain "". Why ice tires, well just because I'm in Sweden, and everybody has to have them in the Winter.
I put my first bring the fresh styled website on a simple free blog theme (but it's on the Socrates Theme now), it's kind of strange because Mike and Kelly say with just 3 posts you can rank. So I set to it, just 3 posts over 7 days and just let it sit.
Then came the shock - I checked it 2 weeks later using scroogle and was totally gob-smacked, my ice tires website was actually on the first page of Google, yep the first page of Google with just three posts. Now google did do is google dance with my site and I lost it completely from the SERPs, but it settle back down onto page 1, it sometimes slips to the top of page 2 then jumps back again and that is with absolutely zero backlinks!
Okay, I'm convinced these bring the fresh guys do what they are talking about, and the 'bring the fresh' system for setting up a wordpress does just what it says, it shows you a really great fresh approach to wordpress SEO. Now have about 40 video's to go through which if I watched them back to back would take about 3days, and just as many mp3 sessions to listen to as well. This is gonna be a busy old couple of weeks. Stay tuned for more - Catch you next time.
PS: Oh by the way I decided to contact Mike by Skype to ask him what he thought of the domain, and he got back to me saying "do people really buy tires online" well I guess that answers the question I asked in the getting started tool kit post!

Get known to local internet marketing benefits

Local internet marketing benefits as the name suggests is something related to marketing. Before going deep into this, first the concern is to understand the meaning of marketing. Marketing means to present the product before others in such a way that you can lure people to purchase it. For that you can provide people with various incentives, attractive schemes, or any creative idea or innovation that you can make in order to sell your product in the market.

Not only this after selling the product for the first time, what you need to do is enhance the credibility of your product so that its sales can further be raised. More than that, you need to survive in the market as you have so many competitors, who are also using similar marketing strategies. So it is your responsibility to use better and new ideas to stay ahead of all. Local Internet marketing has a very prominent role to play here. In the following paragraphs its various benefits are being highlighted.

Generally people are not aware of local Internet marketing and thus are unaware of its benefits. Local internet marketing means marketing your limited, confined business to your local community with the help of internet. Internet has really revolutionized the marketing and hence enhanced the local internet marketing benefits.

The three very important benefits of local internet marketing are as follow:

Cost effective in nature: this implies the cost is minimized quite a lot because of Local Internet marketing.

The second important thing is here marketing has become quite simple.

Last but not the least, the local market that you target is converted fairly in a simple manner.

Now we will elaborate each one of the above local internet marketing benefits. The first one is this local internet marketing is highly cost effective. The reason for this is, marketing is fairly simple here. This is the only reason that it involves less work for Search Engine Optimizing companies, due to which the working hours are less and hence the cost is less.

Second thing which enhances the local internet marketing benefits is it is simple in approach. The basis for this is for a particular keyword there are lesser searches and thus the competition is also minimized. This implies that there will be lesser number of searches. Earlier where there were millions of searches for a particular keyword there would be thousands of searches or even lesser than that which is quite simple in order to optimize.

Lastly, since it will charge you a smaller amount your targeted customers will be yours and your aim is fulfilled. But all this is not without conditions. Following criteria should be fulfilled in order to obtain local internet marketing benefits. The Search engine Optimizing Company which is managing your promotion should have to do the following:

List your website in the search engine which is local. The reason being the global search engine depends on local search engines for improving and feeding their directory.

Your website should be connected to the social connecting sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Along with above, marketing campaign with the help of E-mail should be done on regular basis.

Thus these are several local internet marketing benefits, which shouldn't be ignored if you wish to promote your local business. This is one of the best ways to rapidly increase your targeted customers. So just hurry up!
You can get more information about local internet marketing benefits & website maintenance by visiting

How To Find Work At Home Opportunities

Work at home job opportunities might be located in abundance especially in the internet, whether it is for stay at home moms and for people who discover themselves searching for a little extra returns in financially hardship or for people who have located themselves with out a job inside the financial meltdown that had lately engulfed the world in addition to the entire world. Work at home job opportunities might seem to be a god send and can effectively give that extra relief when in a fiscal crunch.
Work at home job opportunities can range from being editors, writers to filmmakers to customer satisfaction agents to data entry operators. Thus it can be under your control to discover your niche in this specific promising employment industry . Demand Studios is actually a business that supplies work at home job opportunities to the people who've a back ground on paper or people who have an aptitude and fascination with writing. Even although you might not be that inclined towards writing ,in case you believe that you've an eye for grammar and good detection skills you'll be able to submit an application for the post of the editor and stay paid rather handsomely to your work. As an author one can earn around $7.20 to 20 dollars.00 per 150 to 500 worded articles.Moreover to begin becoming employed as an author you don't have to be an established writer consequently , a fundamental great power over foreign languages flow as well as a knowledge in correct grammar usage is however important to be such a writer. However you are able to make a considerable amount of money by writing numerous articles each and every day, even approximately about Thirty dollars.00 an hour.
Live Work may be the one other such work at home job opportunities provider, and they are mostly like a running projects board for an one more famous organization in this location, Liveops. Live Work features a selection of jobs becoming supplied this agreement you might be able to invest in, most such jobs on provide are task oriented and may possibly even cope with tasks such as data entry. The bidder has got the opportunity to space your desired work and also the time one are able to dedicate towards the work.
Then there's another famous organization that offers work at home job opportunities that is Leapforce, the corporation operates getting a vendor for Google. As soon as you're accepted by Leapforce program, you'll be able to sign in on the Google interface and rate sites. Google is often inside the operation of producing their searches relevant and pertinent, thus they want human raters to evaluate weather this content on the internet is relevant or merely spamming internet sites. One can hoped being paid about $ 11.50 for an hour of these work. You will find quite a few other work at home job opportunities accessible online, thorough operatives including LiveOps, Textbroker, as well as a complete lot to pick from. The one thing you've to discover is the areas which you wish to work on and turn into assured of the legitimacy of the work provider, in order for there are lots of scams with this era exactly where creating a quick buck may be the order by way of the day.

kode Avatar The Last Air Debender (Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia)

Kode Avatar The Last Air Debender ini saya ajukan dengan bahasa indonesia supaya bisa ngerti dikit sih.. hehehe. 

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download
di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:

How to Take the "New Game" in the game menu, press L1. Select the "Code Entry" Then enter the code below:

Bonus all games
99 801

All album item
85 061

Lives without limits
65 049

Special punch indefinitely
66 206

double strength
90 210

The death blow
28 260

full level
89 121

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download
di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:

Cara Pasang Game Online Di Blog

Cara memasang game onLine pada blog.
Memasang game onLine pada blog sebenarnya sangatlah mudah dan sudah sangat banyak di bahas oleh oleh para blogger di luar sana tapi gak ada salahnya bila kali inipun saya mengangkat postingan yang semacam,iseng aja karena gk ada kerjaan.
Oke mari kita mulai:

1.Kunjungi situs nya:

2.Pilih game yang kamu sukai seperti gambar di atas:
3. Setelah itu klik game yang kamu pilih itu dan per hatikan window di samping kananya ada embed game yang di pilih tadi copy dia dan simpan sementara pada notepad.

4.Selesai satu game,untuk game selanjutnya sama.
5.Kembali ke blog dan sigin dulu.
6.Lalu pilih entri baru kemudian HTML,paste embed code game yang tadi,jangan lupa berikan judul postingan kamu dan terahir publikasikan dan lihat hasilnya;

Demikian postingan cara pasang game online pada blog kali ini dan mudah-mudahan bermanfaat.

Kode Bully Versi Indonesia ( Lengkap )

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download
di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:

Bully Games are games that we are the world menguhubungkan School. It is the name of the school of Bullworth Academy. Not only the world's first school outside world whatsoever. He can not live if there was no money and food. But he does not mind fo her school. The following code may be useful code.

Open all the punch of trash - press L1 while the input resistance:
Lives full - press L1 while the input resistance:

All Gym Grapple Moves - press and hold L1 while input:

Unlimited ammo - press L1 while the input resistance:
Opening all clothes - press L1 while the input resistance:
Ammunition full - press L1 while the input resistance:
All weapons - press L1 while the input resistance:

Money - press and hold L1 while input:

If you successfully complete the mission looking young man named VINCENT then the game would be 2 player following dress codes unlock all player 2. L1-L1-R1-L1-L1-L1-R1-R1

Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download
di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:


Start An Online Home Business Using Your Computer: Staggering Evidence Says You Must

Start An Online Home Business Using Your Computer: Staggering Evidence Says You Must

If you are employed you should start an online home business using a computer. If you are unemployed you should go to your computer right now and start a home business on the Internet.
If you are breathing you are a very good candidate to make money online. Think about this.
I just read that nearly 1 out of 10 Americans are unemployed. There are 5 applicants for every job opening. Businesses are hestitant to hire because of the unstable economy.
Even industries thought to have job surpluses recently are showing more people applying than there are jobs. For example 9News in Denver did a story last night that students just out of nursing school are not getting hired.
You probably already know that in many states teachers jobs have been cut as school districts try to balance their budgets. Not everyone can just print money and run up more debt like the U.S. Government.
I was talking to my son last night about building websites, getting them established online, and then selling them for a profit. He is a sophmore in college majoring in education. Everyone should be starting an online business no matter where they are in their life.
Doctors and lawyers would be smart to create additonal income streams online. So should truck drivers and car salesmen.
Here is what it does not take to get stared with an online business.
1. You do not need a college degree.
2. It does not matter where you live as long as you have internet access.
3. How much start up captial do you have? It doesn't matter because there are many free ways to make money online.
4. Are you a man or a woman? The Internet does not care.
5. Your ethnicity makes no difference either.
Think about the reversal of numbers. 9 out of 10 people are employed and they are still buying things. Many of them shop online every month.
They have to buy things somewhere. Why not from you!
Digital information products from affiliate programs like ClickBank have always sold well online. Now you see more affiliate marketers selling physical products online too.
The nice thing about affiliate marketing is you do not need a product of your own to sell. The affiliate merchant provides it. They even give you a website coded with your affiliate i.d. number so you get credited whenever a purchase is made.
Many affiliate programs pay weekly, 2 times a month, or monthly. There are even instant commission affiliate programs if you need money right now!
Think long and hard about why you should start an online home business using your computer. Doing even a little research will show you how easy it is to get started.
Jeff Schuman invites you to visit his make money at home website for free JV With Jeff training, blog marketing, and starting your own make money online business. Visit it now to find one real way you can finally make money online!

I Got Engaged on New Years Eve in DC

This New Years Eve in DC was so much fun. My boyfriend Sean and I planned to go to some parties and then celebrate the countdown alone drinking incredible champagne. Usually we got too drunk at parties and by midnight it's been far from romantic. I mean, who wants to ring in the New Year with someone throwing up right next to you? Not us!
We live together in a small apartment in Georgetown. We started getting ready early because the first party we were attending started at 8:00p.m. It was thrown by one of his co-workers who rented out a lounge. There were over 200 people there and it was a bit overwhelming for me because I didn't know anyone. Sean could see I was uncomfortable and bored so we headed off to a part thrown by one of my friends. I knew my dc new years' eve would improve once we got there.
Transportation is a big problem on New Years Eve in DC. It's impossible to get a taxi and where we were going was not Metro accessible. We ended up having to walk almost two miles in the cold. I was wearing my high heels and was in agony. At one point I took my shoes off and walked with just my stockings on the cold pavement.
When we finally arrived at the party I was exhausted and not really enjoying my new years d.c. The party ended up being a lot of fun. She had hired a bartender that concocted incredible original mixed drinks that were so delicious. We didn't want to get drunk so we limited our drinking. It was great to see friends that I hadn't seen for a while, and was nice to catch up with them and see how their year had been. We left the party at 11:00p.m. so we could get home and be alone at midnight.
It was a miracle that we got a taxi and got home quickly. While drinking delicious champagne Sean took out a small box from Tiffany's. Inside was a stunning engagement ring. Of course I accepted the ring and was now officially engaged! At the stroke of midnight we sipped our champagne in front of the fireplace and were both as happy as we've ever been. New Years Eve in DC was a turning point in our lives. It was the best New Year's Eve I've ever had!
I attend New York University Graduate School of Journalism.

Find Fabulous Keywords With Google Adwords!

Find Fabulous Keywords With Google Adwords!

Keywords are one of the proverbial keys to great search engine optimization when carefully chosen. Having good SEO is essential to being filtered out of the sea of similar online websites; however, most do not know how to appropriately research for keywords, which is a necessity for optimal SEO.

Changing Rules
What can make the task of SEO even more difficult is that the rules are constantly changing and new methods being born every day in the constant battle to identify and use the best keywords possible. What worked yesterday will not necessarily work today, which is a major downfall in trying to research for good keywords. The only way to know if one is good is to try it and then wait months for results to show whether the choice was the right one.
Google Adwords
Google AdWords is a favorite program of professional SEO specialists everywhere, which is interesting since it was initially created as an advertising tool. It is a Pay Per Click or PPC program for advertisers but is also being used very successfully for SEO as a way to quickly and efficiently identify the best keywords for a particular website. Even the small cost is well worth the money paid to be able to find usable SEO words or phrases in a few weeks as opposed to months.

SEO Function
This Google program works by charging a fee to use certain popular keywords as shown in Google's search engines that appear, when searched, in a separate section of the results at the very top of the page, even above the #1 ranking website. Essentially, it is paying to be filtered separately from all the other similar keywords and phrases that Google goes through and being displayed first. With this program, a website link will appear in advertising boxes that show up on other related websites. Those text ads that have become so commonplace are AdWords, paid to increase exposure for a company.

This is not the main way this Google program builds SEO. Rather, it provides a way to test and judge the response of different language units quickly, enabling keywords to be changed if the initial response is poor. The increased exposure from appearing in the advertising box generates more clicks, which can lead to more conversions to actual sales. Web efficiency through visibility should be increased with this program as well as increased back links. This is one of the hardest parts of building SEO; however, it weighs heavily in Google's search algorithms, so back links are very important.

Keyword Tool
One additional feature of this program is the free tool that generates comprehensive lists of related keywords and phrases based on the search term; it also provides useful information about each one such as: the number of times searched; origination of the searches; and the level of competition among other websites using the exact same language units. Such a tool is invaluable; when used in conjunction with an AdWords campaign, building up great SEO can be a lot easier than doing it any other way.
It is not necessary to stay with Google AdWords indefinitely, though many find it more cost effective to continue. Back links and accumulation of searches and website hits remain as part of a page's history, even when no longer enrolled in this program. So it is indeed possible to find excellent keywords with the use of Google Adwords in much less time and take over the control of SEO from within - the website!
Chris Hunter is an expert in Web Design and Search Engine Marketing. To find out more about Houston Search Engine Optimization, go to the main website at:

How To Put Ads On Google With Google AdWords

How To Put Ads On Google With Google AdWords

Google Adwords is the largest payper click program on the internet today. Yahoo Search Advertising Services (formerly Overture, Inc) is a close second, however Google stays squarely in first place.
One of many issues that distinguishes Google is their superior rating algorithm for ppc ads. Most ppc (a.k.a. PPC) serps use a easy "the extra you pay, the upper you get" rating algorithm. The very best bidders are ranked the very best, with the opposite advertisements ranked in decending order based mostly on their bids.
The Google Adwords rating algorithm is extra complicated. Their main ranking technique uses AdRank. Each ad is assigned an AdRank for each keyword it runs under. The AdRank used to be determined by multiplying the advertisements maximum bid occasions the press by way of price the ad gets. So, in the event you set your bid for thirty cents, and your ad had a 1.5 % click by way of price, your AdRank was 45.
Lately Google has launched different components in rating the ads. They now decide your AdRank by multiplying your bid instances your adverts "high quality rating".
Google says that "The High quality Rating is set by the key phrase's efficiency historical past on Google: its clickthrough charge (CTR), relevance of advert textual content, historic key phrase efficiency, touchdown web page high quality, and different relevancy factors."
Google does not give a whole lot of info on these different elements, however we do know some about them.
So far as the relevance of the advert textual content, it is best to put the key phrase (when attainable) into the title and description. You'll want to write your advertisements for customers, although, not for computer systems!
Google doesn't reveal how they measure touchdown web page quality, but I would assume they measure the time a visitor remains on your site before clicking back to the search results. Just make your landing page a top-quality, information filled and / or high converting page and you should be fine.
Have you ever noticed when you do a Google search for something that there are all the time advertisements on the far right of the display? You could have questioned where they come from, and who puts them there? Perhaps you've got even clicked on one and found yourself at an internet site advertising a product related to your search. Welcome to the world of Google AdWords marketing. Google AdWords is among the hottest online advertising tools available right now, and thousands of people are making an excellent living from home using it. And you can too. In this article, I will outline some steps that will show you tips on how to put ads on Google using Google AdWords. In no time you may also be one of the thousands who are successful online marketers.
1. Sign up. Google AdWords is free, and it is extremely straightforward to join an account. If you have already got a Google account akin to a Gmail account, you possibly can already sign up utilizing your account identify and password. When you've got one other e mail account like Hotmail or Yahoo, you need to use these also.
2. Marketing campaign Settings. To get the simplest marketing campaign attainable, these settings will must be modified from their default settings. To permit your finances to be utilized extra effectively, it's best to slender these options down as the default settings are geared in the direction of maximum exposure across many media.
3. Keywords. To help direct potential clients to your landing page more effectively, it is best to group your keywords in a theme and make each of these groups an AdGroup. Using the Google AdWords Keyword Device is a good way to seek out potential keywords.
4. Ad Text. Getting excessive rankings in Google AdWords is all about high quality score. Google ranks your advert by how related the advert textual content is to your key phrases and varied different things. Having a superb high quality rating drastically advantages how usually and the way excessive your adverts seem on Google pages and likewise how much you pay for each click. Your ad text should contain your keyword or words as much as possible.
5. Bidding. To have a profitable campaign requires that you make more from the sale of your products than you spend on the advertising. The desire for the number 1 position can easily make a campaign cost more than it should to stay in positive territory. Strive for a steadiness between advert place and value per click. A 3rd or fourth advert place remains to be fairly good and your promoting funds will go additional too.
6. Advert Variations. Utilizing your authentic key phrase strive just a few variations of your ad. Bear in mind to incorporate your key phrase, however possibly change your "name to motion" phrase or distinctive selling point.
7. Build Large Keyword Lists. Use many variations and phrases of your keywords in each group. It may also be advantageous to include common misspellings of words.
Google AdWords is a very effective and profitable approach to advertise the products you are promoting online. However, it does require a couple of simple rules to follow to get optimum results .


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