Download Lagu Rainbow- Like A Rainbow (OST PAA) Terbaru

Download Lagu Rainbow- Like A Rainbow (OST PAA) Terbaru

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Lirik Lagu Rainbow Like A Rainbow

Hidupku indah saat kamu hadir dalam setiap langkahku
Tak ku rasa kesedihan karena kamu di sampingku (karena kamu di sampingku)
Indah, hidupku indah, oh ceria, hidupku penuh warna

Rainbow, it’s just like a rainbow
It’s just like a rainbow, hidupku bahagia
Rainbow, it’s just like a rainbow
It’s just like a rainbow, hidupku telah sempurna

Hidupku ceria saat kamu menemani hari-hariku
Tertawa bahagia bersama, dunia jadi milik kita
Indah, hidupku indah, oh ceria, hidupku penuh warna

Rainbow, it’s just like a rainbow
It’s just like a rainbow, hidupku bahagia
Rainbow, it’s just like a rainbow
It’s just like a rainbow, hidupku telah sempurna

Ooh indah (indah), hidupku indah, oooh ceria, hidupku penuh warna

Rainbow, it’s just like a rainbow
It’s just like a rainbow, hidupku bahagia
Rainbow, it’s just like a rainbow
It’s just like a rainbow, hidupku telah sempurna

Rainbow, it’s just like a rainbow
It’s just like a rainbow, hidupku bahagia
Rainbow, it’s just like a rainbow
It’s just like a rainbow, hidupku telah sempurna, hidupku telah sempurna

Download Lagu Ashilla Zee+Lyric-Masih Cinta Terbaru

Download Lagu Ashilla Zee+Lyric-Masih Cinta Terbaru

Silahkan Langsung didownload di Via 4shared (DOWNLOAD)

Lirik Lagu Ashilla Zee -Masih Cinta 

kau yang slalu menjagaku 
disaatku bersedih 
dimana kau kini 

kau yang slalu memelukku 
disaatku menangis 
mengapa kah kau pergi 

bahagia kau lihat 
terpurukku disini
menanti kau kembali 

aku masih cinta 
aku masih sayang
walau kau sakiti hatiku 

aku masih setia masih tetap setia
walau kau sakiti hatiku 
kau hancurkan aku 

kau yang selalu memelukku 
disaatku menangis 
mengapakah kau pergi 

bahagia kau lihat
terpurukku disini 
menanti kau kembali 

aku masih cinta 
aku masih sayang 
walau kau sakiti hatiku 

aku masih setia 
masih tetap setia 
walau kau sakiti hatiku kau hancurkan aku...

Kode Dynasty Warriors 4 Bahasa Indonesia (Lengkap)

Kode Dynasty Warriors 4 Bahasa Indonesia (Lengkap)

Aktifkan Semua Jenderal Wei
Untuk membuka semua Jenderal Wei, tekan R1, R1, L1, L2, KOTAK, KOTAK, KOTAK, SEGITIGA di menu utama.

Aktifkan Costumes alternatif / Outfits
Untuk membuka kostum alternatif / pakaian, tekan L1, L1, R1, R1, SEGITIGA, SEGITIGA, KOTAK, KOTAK pada menu utama.

Aktifkan Semua Jenderal
Untuk membuka semua jenderal, tekan R1, R2, L1, L2, KOTAK, KOTAK, SEGITIGA, SEGITIGA di menu utama.

Aktifkan Semua Jenderal Wu
Untuk membuka semua Jenderal Wu, tekan R2, R1, L2, L1, SEGITIGA, SEGITIGA, SEGITIGA, KOTAK di menu utama.

Aktifkan Semua Jenderal Shu
Untuk membuka semua Jenderal Shu, tekan R1, R1, L1, L1, KOTAK, SEGITIGA, KOTAK, SEGITIGA di menu utama.

Cara Aktifkan Lu Bu
Mengalahkan modus musou dengan karakter dari Wei, Wu, atau Shu.

Cara Aktifkan Diao Chan
Mengalahkan Bab 1 dari modus musou Lu Bu.

Mudah musou modus
Heres petunjuk yang bekerja cukup baik ketika saya gettung sampai seseorang, sumur pertama yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengalahkan modus musou dengan setidaknya satu orang untuk membuka tingkat kemudian setelah itu Anda harus bermain mode bebas dengan pria yang Anda ingin mengalahkan modus musou dengan dan ketika Anda melakukan start modus musou dia sudah akan sampai sehingga Anda bisa mengalahkan itu begitu mudah, bahkan pada diff keras.

Secret Marketing Strategies: Volume 1-1

 By J Mark Lipscomb,
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the author and the publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, intellectual property, accounting or other professional advice. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.
Lipscomb Enterprise Inc. individually or corporately, does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from the actions of any parties involved.
26. The "Success In Common" Strategy
The "people who succeed have one critical thing in common..." strategy tells your prospects they need one crucial thing in order to gain their desired benefit. Of course, you need to persuade them that it is your product. You could tell them that some people have the right attitude but not always the right tools to improve their life.
27. The "Not Much Room" Strategy
The "I only have room on the call for (no.) people and I already gave away (no.) spots before I sent you this..." strategy tells your prospects that they need to register for your teleseminar right away. People will realize they weren't the first to hear about it and those other people could have told others about it.
28. The "No Recording" Strategy
The "I'm thinking about not recording this free teleconference..." strategy tells your prospects that it's possible that if they don't get on the live free call, they may never hear it again. You could also tell them that you may turn it into a paid product later on. People that are interested may want to save some money down the road.
29. The "Enrollment Fee" Strategy
The "we're completely waiving your enrollment fee and even giving you ($) in bonuses..." strategy tells your prospects that you normally charge people an enrollment fee for your product or membership site. They will feel privileged they don't have to pay the fee like others have in the past. The extra bonuses will just be icing on the cake.
30. The "Let's Talk" Strategy
The "I want to talk to you..." strategy tells your prospects that it's possible your e-mail may be personal because you actually talk with them. People are more persuaded to open an e-mail they think could be personal. You could invite them to be on a teleconference call to tell them about a product you have in the works.
31. The "Sell And Raise" Strategy
The "make at least (no.) affiliate sales and I'll add another $(no.) commission to each sale..." strategy tells your prospects that they can make a higher commission rate if they reach your sales goal. It will really motivate them to promote your affiliate program and give them something to strive for.
32. The "Membership Perks" Strategy
The "you can get a free month on my membership web site if you purchase through my affiliate link..." strategy tells your prospects and current paid members they can save some money if they purchase a targeted affiliate product through your link. If they were going to buy it anyway, it would be a waste for them not to buy through your link.
33. The "Already Own It?" Strategy
The "if you already own our product and haven't used it to (your product's benefit), then I know what's stopping you..." strategy tells your prospects and/or current customers that they just need motivation and guidance. You could offer them free or paid consulting so they gain their desired benefit and purchase future products from you.
34. The "New And Cheap" Strategy
The "brand new and only $(no.)..." strategy tells your prospects that you are selling a new product for a very, very, cheap price. You can tell them that everyone else is selling it for way higher and even tell them the specific prices. You will be showing them that you want to save them money.
35. The "Are You Prepared?" Strategy
The "are you prepared for what's coming on (date)..." strategy tells your prospects that you will be releasing a new product on that date. A pre-launch notice gets your prospects buttered up to purchase your new product. You don't want to give them too many details so that you leave something for the imagination.
36. The "Thanks For Support" Strategy
The "thanks for your support and agreement..." strategy tells your prospects that tons of your customers stand up for how you do business. Sometimes as marketers, you get flamed by your customers, prospects or competition about how you do business and most of the time it's a misunderstanding. You can tell your list about these situations and explain your point and most of the time, if it's valid, they will e-mail you to show their support for you.
37. The "Tell Me A Story" Strategy
The "can I have your success story..." strategy tells your prospects and/or current customers that you need testimonials or letters about the success they had with your product or advice you gave them. You can even tell them they can have their link underneath it to get free publicity. You could post the success stories on your web site or compile it into a free e-book.
38. The "Part 2" Strategy
The "here is Part 2 of..." strategy tells your prospects they've either already read Part 1 of your message or missed Part 1 and need to see what it's all about. This helps people that don't read your messages every time to get interested because it will be a mystery to them. You could have a copy of your Part 1 message underneath Part 2 for people that want to see what they missed.
39. The "My Stats Say" Strategy
The "according to my stats, only (no.) % of the readers has seen this..." strategy tells your prospects it must be really good if you are telling them about it again and watching your ad stats that closely. You can tell them you don't want them to miss it because it can really improve their life. It sounds like you really want to help them.
40. The "Keeping A Secret" Strategy
The "I've been keeping something to myself for a long time..." strategy tells your prospects that you have been keeping a secret to yourself. You could tell them it's about an exciting product you're getting ready to release and you can't keep it to yourself any more. People will want to see what would be worth so much that you couldn't tell them before about it.
41. The "Heard This Before?" Strategy
The "you haven't heard this before and will likely never hear it again..." strategy tells your prospects that if they don't read your message now, they may never see it ever again. People like new information and hate to miss out on stuff that could improve their life.
42. The "Misprint" Strategy
The "that's not a misprint..." strategy tells your prospects that your statement or product may sound unbelievable but it's not a typo. Sometimes people think something is so unbelievable it must be a publishing mistake. Bringing this up will help remove those thoughts from their mind.
43. The "Make It Longer" Strategy
The "get more for your money and upgrade your membership length..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase a longer subscription to your membership site now it will be cheaper in the long run. For example, you could say your monthly fee is $10 and your yearly fee is $100, so they would save $20. You could even tell them if they decide to upgrade to a 1 year membership later on it will be $10 more which is $110. It will create a sense of urgency to upgrade to a yearly subscription now.
44. The "Official Launch" Strategy
The "(no.) hours/days/weeks till the official launch..." strategy tells your prospects to prepare to purchase your product when it launches. They will have time to clear their schedule, save money, promote it to their own prospects (if you have an affiliate program) and reminds them that you will e-mail them on a certain date and time.
45. The "I'm Surprised!" Strategy
The "I'm surprised but there are a few copies left..." strategy tells your prospects that you are shocked that your limited product sale didn't sell out. You can even tell them that you're only hours or days into the sale and you figured that by now it would be gone. People that thought they may have lost out on purchasing a copy will likely rush over and finally decide to buy.
46. The "Call Me" Strategy
The "can you call me tomorrow..." strategy tells your prospects that your message could be personal and they will read or listen to it quicker. You could just be referring to your free teleconference you'll be holding. You can just invite them and give them a persuasive reason to register for the call.
47. The "If You're Like Me" Strategy
The "if you're like me, I'm too lazy, busy and tired to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that you feel the same way they do when it comes to improving their life. You can explain to them how your product will gain their desired benefit with little or no effort from them.
48. The "O.T.O. Buzz" Strategy
The "check out the testimonials of our O.T.O. (one time offer)..." strategy tells your prospects on your first web page they will see an O.T.O. (one time offer) on your second page. By showing them testimonials before they see your ad, they will want to see what all the fuss is about.
49. The "Won't Believe It" Strategy
The "I didn't believe it, and I know you won't either..." strategy tells your prospects that you know they won't believe your product's claims because when you first saw the product's ad, you didn't either. This will eliminate them not believing your product claims because you already brought it up and they may want to prove you wrong.
50. The "Years Into Minutes" Strategy
The "what took us (no.) (months/years) to develop you can have in minutes..." strategy tells your prospects that it would take them months or years if they tried to gain their desired benefit by themselves. Most people want to save time and would opt for the 'few minutes' idea.

Foto Cewek ABG Seksi

Nehhh dia yang bikin mata jadi bersih lagi.....hehehehe......Cuci mata aaaaaaahhhhh...kwkwkwkwk. Kalau dah ketemu yg beginian mata rasanya kembali segeeeerrrr....dan hidup ini maunya seribu tahun lagi....???????Jika Pingin lihat lebih besar dan jelas di klik aja gambarnya.....!

Meningkatkan Performance Pada USB Disk Drive

Meningkatkan Performance Pada USB Disk Drive
Teknik ini saya dapatkan dari mas Dhanny Dhuzell
Tweak ini hanya berlaku untuk USB Storage, macam Flashdisk dan Harddisk Eksternal. Jika anda menghubungkan Harddisk secara langsung menggunakan koneksi IDE/ATA atau juga SATA (di dalam chassing komputer anda), maka Windows akan otomatis mengatur pada performance, dan untuk mencabutnya kita terpaksa harus men-shutdown windows.
Secara default USB Disk digolong sebagai Removable Storage atau Removable Disk. Tentu saja perlakuannya berbeda. Jika Fixed Disk, seperti harddisk yang terpasang pada komputer kita, memang dibuat untuk mentransfer data secepat-cepatnya. Namun sangat berbeda jika itu mengenai Removable Disk. Kecepatan transfer data menjadi tidak terlalu penting dibanding dengan kemudahan dalam sifatnya yang removable. Atau dengan kata lain disk harus dengan sangat mudah disambung dan dicabut tanpa mengganggu system operasi.

Namun tentu saja windows masih memberikan opsi bagi kita jika memang membutuhkan performance yang lebih, dengan mengorbankan kemudahan sifat cucuk-cabut (easy removable) itu. Yakni kita tidak bisa sembarangan lagi mencabut flashdisk atau Hardisk External seperti yang biasa kita lakukan sebelumnya.
Mengubah performance FlashDisk atau Harddisk eksternal pada Windows.

Kita harus masuk ke Device Manager. Yakni ketikkan "devmgmt.msc" pada menu > Start > Run >>. Kemudian cari di "Disk Drive" dan seharusnya di situ ada disk USB kita dengan nama biasanya "Generic USB Disk". Klik 2 kali, sehingga muncul, windows properties-nya.
Kemudian pilih Tab "Policies". Dan pilih opsi "Optimize for Performance".

Dengan itu maka transfer rate antara PC dengan USB-Drive kita akan jauh meningkat. Apalagi jika USB yang anda miliki adalah USB v2.0, maka kecepatan seperti kilat
Mencabut Flashdisk atau Harddisk eksternal dari Windows
Karena sudah di-optimis-kan pada kecepatan transfer, maka biasakan untuk me-remove terlebih dahulu sebelum mencabutnyaa dari colokan USB.
Demikian semoga bermanfaat...........!

Download Free Game PS2:File ISO

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya coba menyediakan beberapa Game PS2 file ISO yang bisa di download secara Gratis, file-file ini tinggal Anda download dan extract lalu anda burn pada media DVD dengan menggunakan aplikasi apa aja yang anda kuasai,berikut file-filenya:

1. GTA 3 PS2.iso

2. BLACK PS2.iso




6. FinalFantasyX-2_Eng-Pal-Ps2_iso

 *** UPDATE ***
Untuk 2 file dibawah ini masih dalam tahap uji coba,apabila  berhasil maka akan saya tambah kan lebih banyak file-file PS2 lainya. Oleh sebab itu partisipasi dari pengunjung sangat saya harapkan yaitu dengan memberitahukan pada saya apabila anda men-downloadnya,apakah berhasil atau tidak, berhasil atau tidaknya tolong beritahu saya pada kotak komentar,sebelumnya terimakasih atas partisipasi anda...!

7. Downhill Domination.iso.torrent

8. Naruto 4.iso.torrent

9. Call of Duty 3.iso-torrent

10. Metal Gear Solid 3.iso-torrent

11. Burnout Takedown 3.iso-torrent

12. 007 Everythng or Nothing.iso-torrent 

13. Pes2013.iso-torrent

14. Hunter The Reckoning WayWard.iso-torrent 

15. Jackie Chan Adventures.iso-torrent 

16. Kings Field 4.iso-torrent

17. PlayBoy The Mansion.iso-torrent

18. Ghost Rider.iso-torrent

19. God Of  War.iso-torrent

20. Transformer Revenge of the Fallen.iso-torrent

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Password download: dyenps

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Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10

Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10

Pada tutorial saya kali ini saya akan coba memposting cara mengganti file Audio Winning Eleven 10,dengan cara ini kita bisa memasukan lagu-lagu kesukaan kita sendiri.
Tips ini menggunakan Xpert 2.0, download DISINI
Extact file tersebut dan instal di komputer anda dan buka tampilan awalnya seperti ini;

Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10
Sebagai tools experimen kita akan menggunakan Plugin PS CdDvd5 ISO Shrinker, pilih Plugin nya pada panah merah dan sTrumpet1.WAV pada panah biru.
Klik Open (1) brows file iso WE10 Sobat kemudian  klik Extact LBA (2) seperti dibawah:

Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10
 Kemudian Klik Extract File (3) seperti di bawah ini:

Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10
Lanjutkan baca Menghilangkan File Video PSS Pada WE10 jika sobat ingin menon-Aktifkan Video PSS pada WE 10.
Tunggu hingga proses Extract File selesai,setelah semua selesai kita sobat ubah lagi Xpert Plugin nya ke PS Generic.Afs

Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10

 Kemudian Klik Open File (1) pilih O_SOUND.AFS yang ada pada folder @WE10.ISO,setelah itu klik Extact LBA (2) Tunguu hingga proses Extract selesai.
Setelah itu kilk Extract File (3) biarkan hingga selesai maka File O_SOUND.AFS akan di Extract kedalam folder @O_SOUND.AFS.
Setelah Exract File kelar semuanya,sekarang klik Tools turun kebawah Relinker seperti dibawah;

Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10
Kemudian akan muncul jendela baru seperti di bawah:

Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10
Kemudian kilk Open, pilih txt.file 0_SOUND.AFS-LBA yang ada dalam folder @WE10.ISO setelah itu klik Load, tunggu hingga proses Load selesai.

Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10
Bikin File Bat converter audio dengan mengklik adx2wav (kotak biru)dan wav2adx (kotak orange)
Untuk sementara proses Extact File-file sudah selesai sekarang kita kembali ke folder @WE10.ISO tadi berada dan copy ke 4 file berikut:
- 0_SOUND.AFS-LBA-adx2wav
- 0_SOUND.AFS-LBA-wav2adx
- adx2wav
- wav2adx 
Paste 4 file tersebut kedalam folder @O_SOUND.AFS.sebelum di lanjutkan alangkah baiknya semua file sound yang ada di folder @O_SOUND.AFS di Backup dulu untuk menjaga kesalahan proses.
Lanjut lagi sekarang  untuk mepermudah pekerjaan kita edit dulu file 0_SOUND.AFS-LBA-adx2wav, kilk kanan pada file tersebut pilih Edit rubah tulisan paling bawah del *.wav mejadi del *.adx setelah itu klik save atau cltr+s.
Convert file adx menjadi file wav dengan mengklik 2x pada file 0_SOUND.AFS-LBA-adx2wav,
maka semua file .adx akan di convert menjadi file .wav tunggu hingga prosesnya selesai seperti ini;

Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10
Semua file adx kini telah di converter menjadi file wav,tinggal sobat dengarin satu2 untuk mencari lagu yang mana yang akan di ganti.
Sekarang kita akan membuat file audio pengganti dalam hal ini sobat membutuhkan sebuah aplikasi yang mampu mengedit dan mengconverter file audio,saya menggunakan GoldWave ,download aplikasinya dan instal pada komputer sobat setelah itu buka tampilan awalnya seperti ini:

Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10
Klik Open pilih lagu yang ingin di Edit,Kemudian untuk menyesuaikan durasi lagu yang kita edit dengan lagu  yang hendak kita ganti,
klik --> Edit --> Marker --> Set,seperti gambar dibawah:

Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10

Rubah pada kotak Star, sekitar 00:03:50:00000 lihat kotak hijau diatas setelah itu klik OK.
Lalu klik --> Delete ,kemudian agar lagunya tidak berhenti begitu saja --> klik --> Effect --> Volume --> Fade Out set kira-kira 50 seperti dibawah lalu klik OK, maka lagunya akan berahir dengan suara mengecil.

Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10

Jika ingin merubah  Sampel lagu agar lebih kecil atau lebih besar :--> klik Effect --> Resample --> muncul dialog box seperti dibawah masukan 24000 jika ingin lebih kecil lagi pilih yang lebih kecil lagi ,cuman semakin kecil sampel lagunya semakin rendah kwalitas lagunya.
Setelah itu klik OK -->
Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10
Setelah itu jika ingin menambah atau mengurangi Volume kilk --> Effect --> Volume --> Change Volume masukan 100 atau jika terlalu kecil masukan 200:

Cara Mengganti Audio WE 10
Setelah itu klik --> File --> Save As ,simpan dengan nama WAV
rename file dengan nama yang sama dengan nama lagu yang hendak kita ganti seperti dibawah ini saya mengganti file Audio dengan nama: FILE000037 setelah itu klik OK.Arahkan simpan file tersebut kedalam folder @O_SOUND.AFS,jika ada peringatan bahwa file tersebut telah ada dalam folder tersebut klik aja Yes to All maka file aslinya telah tergantikan dengan file audio yang kita buat tadi.

Untuk lagu yang lain prosesnya sama seperti diatas ^_^.
Kini kita akan kembali merebuilt file audio yang kita Edit tadi,kembali ke Expert:--> klik Rebuilt File,dan upssss error....makanya tadi saya peringatkan untuk bembuat copy-an file aslinya,jika ada error kita perhatikan file mana yang hilang ambil kembali file dengan nama yang sama kemudian pastekan kedalam foler @O_SUOND.AFS,kembali lagi ke Expert klik  --> Rebuilt File ikuti prosesnya hingga selesai.
Setelah prosesnya kelar dan sukses klik OK,lanjutkan klik Rebuilt LBA maka setelah selesai akan ada file baru dalam folder @O_SOUND.AFS yaitu NEW-O_SUOND.AFS,delete file aslinya dan  rename file baru tadi  menjadi O_SOUND.AFS.
Sekarang rubah Plugin Expert ke PS2 CdDvd5,klik Open file ISO WE10 yang asli lalu klik Open lagi.
Kemudian klik Rebuilt File dan ikuti prosesnya sampai selesai,dan klik OK.
Lalu klik lagi Rebuilt LBA,dan selesai akan ada file baru NEW-WINNING ELEVEN10.ISO.
Tinggal sobat instal file ISO nya ke HDD PS2 sobat dan mainkan Game nya dengarkan lagu-lagu kreasi sobat sendiri......Semoga sukses.......

Jika ada hal2 yang ingin di tanyakan koment aja,insya Allah saya akan jawab semampu saya...THANK'S.


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