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Cheat Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 4 PS2
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 4 PS2 Cheats
Publisher: Namco Bandai
Developer: CyberConnect2
Genre: Fighting
Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
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Here is PS2 Cheats and cheat codes for PS2 Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden Cheats & Codes Playstation 2 ULTIMATE NINJA 4: Naruto Shippuden. On this site, we try to provide you with the code to the latest and most popular cheat, Easy Money, help, hints and tips for Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden and Playstation 2 (PS2). Whatever you are looking for can all be found here. New Cheat added.
Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden Cheats
Cheat Code and Tips In Game:
100,000 Yen
How: To get 100,000 yen from the start a new game automatically, Narutimate Hero 3 save on your memory card.
Play as Devil / Kyubi Characters
How: To play as Devil powerful and Kyubi forms of certain characters, first unlock every character in the game (including the 4th Hokage). Now, to open a special form of the character you want, select him or her from the character select screen while holding down Circle.
4th Hokage's
How to unlock: complete Hero Mode story.
More Characters
Description: You can automatically unlock all the characters in the game by having NH3 saved game on your memory card. However, the following characters can only be unlocked by beating them in RPG mode: Chiyo, Deidara, Itachi, Kisame, and Sasori. To unlock Yondaime, complete Hero Mode.
Description: To unlock the characters listed below, fulfill the specified requirements. Keep in mind that all of the requirements below should be executed while playing Hero Mode.
Gaara (Old Version) Defeat the full Shukaku version using Naruto
Godaime Hokage (Tsunade) The opening scene in which he attacked Orochimaru
Haku Defeat
Jiraiya Opening scene where Naruto protects Tsunade from Kabuto
Kabuto Defeat him using Naruto
Kankurou (Old Version) Opening scene of his fight against Shino during Konoha Invasion
Nidaime Hokage's opening scene was a funeral Sanaime
Orochimaru You get him after Naruto fights him
Sandaime Hokage Defeat Orochimaru using him during the invasion of Konoha
Shizune Opening scene where Tsunade attacks Orochimaru
Temari (Old Version) Opening scene of the fight against Shikamaru during the Chuunin Exam
Zabuza Defeat
Diedera Enable in Master Mode after facing him with Gaara
Sasori Enable in Master Mode after facing him with Kankuro
Kisame Enable in Master Mode after facing him and the water clones with Lee, Tenten, Neji and Guy
Itachi Enable in Master Mode after facing him and his shadow clones with Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto
Granny Chio Unlock by completing his Master Mode
How to find Tsubaki in the woods fantasy?
Check the map (not the full map) and you can see the red dot and go red dots and you are in the house.And Tsubaki Jiraiya then told to go to the crystal cave and find aoi. PS: When you find you have to fight aoi silhouette looks like a fox or something 'He's the hardest to beat you know ...
How to get all charecters
Up circle triangle r1 l2 down down square
Mother's gift to her!
Go talk to him in the sand village then go outside the gates of the village of the sand will be a man (probably calles the bettler) talk to him and pick up a gift that called hookage Ninja tool set .. then went to talk to her again and successfully demand!
Unlock all characters naruto
In master mode, find all the missing frog ... after that go to the store and buy all the videos. then save your profile,,, after saving you will need to restart your ps2.
At the title screen, UP, UP, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP, X, UP, O, TRIANGLE,, ENJOY
Enable flash yellow
First, you must complete each part of the memory in hero mode.
If you have a Ninja final 3 all charaters long you will be transferred to Ultimate Ninja 4
Naruto create a character
If you go to lee hidden in the leaves and talk to 50 rounds, then you can create a new character.
Get six tails kyuubi s
Publisher: Namco Bandai
Developer: CyberConnect2
Genre: Fighting

file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:
Here is PS2 Cheats and cheat codes for PS2 Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden Cheats & Codes Playstation 2 ULTIMATE NINJA 4: Naruto Shippuden. On this site, we try to provide you with the code to the latest and most popular cheat, Easy Money, help, hints and tips for Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden and Playstation 2 (PS2). Whatever you are looking for can all be found here. New Cheat added.
Ultimate Ninja 4: Naruto Shippuden Cheats
Cheat Code and Tips In Game:
100,000 Yen
How: To get 100,000 yen from the start a new game automatically, Narutimate Hero 3 save on your memory card.
Play as Devil / Kyubi Characters
How: To play as Devil powerful and Kyubi forms of certain characters, first unlock every character in the game (including the 4th Hokage). Now, to open a special form of the character you want, select him or her from the character select screen while holding down Circle.
4th Hokage's
How to unlock: complete Hero Mode story.
More Characters
Description: You can automatically unlock all the characters in the game by having NH3 saved game on your memory card. However, the following characters can only be unlocked by beating them in RPG mode: Chiyo, Deidara, Itachi, Kisame, and Sasori. To unlock Yondaime, complete Hero Mode.
Description: To unlock the characters listed below, fulfill the specified requirements. Keep in mind that all of the requirements below should be executed while playing Hero Mode.
Gaara (Old Version) Defeat the full Shukaku version using Naruto
Godaime Hokage (Tsunade) The opening scene in which he attacked Orochimaru
Haku Defeat
Jiraiya Opening scene where Naruto protects Tsunade from Kabuto
Kabuto Defeat him using Naruto
Kankurou (Old Version) Opening scene of his fight against Shino during Konoha Invasion
Nidaime Hokage's opening scene was a funeral Sanaime
Orochimaru You get him after Naruto fights him
Sandaime Hokage Defeat Orochimaru using him during the invasion of Konoha
Shizune Opening scene where Tsunade attacks Orochimaru
Temari (Old Version) Opening scene of the fight against Shikamaru during the Chuunin Exam
Zabuza Defeat
Diedera Enable in Master Mode after facing him with Gaara
Sasori Enable in Master Mode after facing him with Kankuro
Kisame Enable in Master Mode after facing him and the water clones with Lee, Tenten, Neji and Guy
Itachi Enable in Master Mode after facing him and his shadow clones with Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto
Granny Chio Unlock by completing his Master Mode
How to find Tsubaki in the woods fantasy?
Check the map (not the full map) and you can see the red dot and go red dots and you are in the house.And Tsubaki Jiraiya then told to go to the crystal cave and find aoi. PS: When you find you have to fight aoi silhouette looks like a fox or something 'He's the hardest to beat you know ...
How to get all charecters
Up circle triangle r1 l2 down down square
Mother's gift to her!
Go talk to him in the sand village then go outside the gates of the village of the sand will be a man (probably calles the bettler) talk to him and pick up a gift that called hookage Ninja tool set .. then went to talk to her again and successfully demand!
Unlock all characters naruto
In master mode, find all the missing frog ... after that go to the store and buy all the videos. then save your profile,,, after saving you will need to restart your ps2.
At the title screen, UP, UP, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP, X, UP, O, TRIANGLE,, ENJOY
Enable flash yellow
First, you must complete each part of the memory in hero mode.
If you have a Ninja final 3 all charaters long you will be transferred to Ultimate Ninja 4
Naruto create a character
If you go to lee hidden in the leaves and talk to 50 rounds, then you can create a new character.
Get six tails kyuubi s
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Cheat Game James Bond 007: NightFire
Cheat Game James Bond 007: NightFire
How insert cheats was hit: Star >> Cheat Entry
Untuk Versi Indonesia nya klik aja Tombol Download di samping ini.. Gratisss..!!,
file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:
Select a level:
Enter the code PASSPORT
Get Code Demolition mode:
Enter the code TNT
Get protection mode:
Enter the code GUARDIAN
Get Uplink mode:
Enter the code TRANSMIT
Unlock Explosive Scenery:
Enter the code BOOM
Get Teamwork Koth Code mode:
Put in Teamwork
Strike Golden eye codes:
Put in ORBIT
Assassination mode code:
Enter the code SCOPE
Get Code Level Equinox:
Enter the code VACUUM
Get Faster Laser Code:
Enter the code Photon
Unlock Max Zorin for Multiplayer:
Enter the code Blimp
Enable for Multiplayer:
Enter the code bowler
Codes Unlock Goldfinger for Multiplayer:
Enter the code MIDAS
Unlock Christmas Jones for Multiplayer:
Enter the code Nuclear
Unlock Miss Galore for Multiplayer:
Put in the code CIRCUS
Unlock Jaws for Multiplayer:
Enter the code DENTAL
Enable Scaramanga for Multiplayer:
Enter the code ASSASSIN
Code Unlock Baron Samedi for Multiplayer:
Codes Unlock Xenia for Multiplayer:
Put in JANUS
Codes Unlock Tuxedo for Multiplayer:
Put in a BlackTie
Unlock Codes powerful sedative:
Enter the code SLEEPY
Unlock Sniper Level:
Enter the code Meltdown
Unlock Golden Gun:
Enter the code TARGET
All Characters multiplayer code:
Enter the code PARTY
Clip Sniper Rifle greater:
Enter the code MAGAZINE
Unlock Countdown Level code:
Enter the code Blastoff
code greater Sniper Rifle Clip:
Enter the code MAGAZINE
Unlock code Renard for Multiplayer:
Enter the code HEADCASE
Unlock Golden P2K:
Enter the code Q LAB (Must have the space) is limited PP7 ammo:
When you play the first level 12 players get a gold medal with all 007 icons. Use Shelby Cobra on the Vanquished Level:
On the Vanquished level pause the game and HOLD L1??, And press Right, Right, Left, Left, Up
How insert cheats was hit: Star >> Cheat Entry

file .docx sudah di edit tinggal di print out:
Select a level:
Enter the code PASSPORT
Get Code Demolition mode:
Enter the code TNT
Get protection mode:
Enter the code GUARDIAN
Get Uplink mode:
Enter the code TRANSMIT
Unlock Explosive Scenery:
Enter the code BOOM
Get Teamwork Koth Code mode:
Put in Teamwork
Strike Golden eye codes:
Put in ORBIT
Assassination mode code:
Enter the code SCOPE
Get Code Level Equinox:
Enter the code VACUUM
Get Faster Laser Code:
Enter the code Photon
Unlock Max Zorin for Multiplayer:
Enter the code Blimp
Enable for Multiplayer:
Enter the code bowler
Codes Unlock Goldfinger for Multiplayer:
Enter the code MIDAS
Unlock Christmas Jones for Multiplayer:
Enter the code Nuclear
Unlock Miss Galore for Multiplayer:
Put in the code CIRCUS
Unlock Jaws for Multiplayer:
Enter the code DENTAL
Enable Scaramanga for Multiplayer:
Enter the code ASSASSIN
Code Unlock Baron Samedi for Multiplayer:
Codes Unlock Xenia for Multiplayer:
Put in JANUS
Codes Unlock Tuxedo for Multiplayer:
Put in a BlackTie
Unlock Codes powerful sedative:
Enter the code SLEEPY
Unlock Sniper Level:
Enter the code Meltdown
Unlock Golden Gun:
Enter the code TARGET
All Characters multiplayer code:
Enter the code PARTY
Clip Sniper Rifle greater:
Enter the code MAGAZINE
Unlock Countdown Level code:
Enter the code Blastoff
code greater Sniper Rifle Clip:
Enter the code MAGAZINE
Unlock code Renard for Multiplayer:
Enter the code HEADCASE
Unlock Golden P2K:
Enter the code Q LAB (Must have the space) is limited PP7 ammo:
When you play the first level 12 players get a gold medal with all 007 icons. Use Shelby Cobra on the Vanquished Level:
On the Vanquished level pause the game and HOLD L1??, And press Right, Right, Left, Left, Up
Unknown / Baca Selengkapnya »
Kau anggota dari US Army terbaik-dirahasiakan: yang elit OPERASI KHUSUS unit yang dikenal sebagai Delta Force, dibentuk untuk TERORISME BATTLE di seluruh dunia. Ketika yang terbaik dari sisanya tidak dapat menangani operasi, ANDA dipanggil ke dalam tindakan. Dapatkah Anda menangani JOB?
**PENDEKATAN TUJUAN melalui parasut dan menggunakan alang-alang, air, dan medan bergulir untuk memindahkan terdeteksi
**MENGAMBIL BIAYA dengan Layar Komandan baru, mengarahkan rekan kerja Anda dalam tindakan tunggal dan multiplayer
**MENCIPTAKAN ANDA SENDIRI tunggal atau pertempuran multiplayer dengan Editor Misi PLUS Over 40 misi baru.
Meneror Teroris dengan senjata baru, peralatan baru, dan senapan mesin tetap dan granat peluncur-emplacements.
Cara download:
Klik Link INI
Lalu kemudian klik Logo seperti ini:
Anda akan men-download file: c4Setup-dm.exe ,setelah itu dobel klik pada file tersebut dan Run, yang seperti ini:
Setelah itu muncul jendela download seperti ini:
Tunggu hingga proses download sampai selesai,besaran filenya 330.12 mb,setelah download selesai cari filenya yg biasanya langsung ada pada dekstop,install di komputer sobat,dan mainkan gamenya...!!
System Requirements:
OS: Windows 98/2000/Me/XP
Processor: Pentium II
DirectX 3.0
Free hard drive space: 470 MB
DirectX-compliant Sound Card
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